
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kindergarten Common Core Assessment Pack

I've finally had a chance to sit down and take a breath.  I always have so many plans for the summer and it goes by so fast.  

My biggest project is cleaning out our spare room to get ready for a new baby.  Very excited!  The weather has been crazy hot so it's set me back a bit with getting it ready.  

On another note it did give me a chance to go through my to do list for the start of school.  One of the things was revising our kindergarten assessment packet.  

Our district standards are always being updated to meet the needs of our student so I took this time to revise and update our assessment pack.  We are big on standardized report cards and in order to make sure all our K kids are scored the same we made sure to follow rubrics for each goal being assessed.  So throughout the years I've revised the assessments that we used to get it to where it is today.  It now aligns with the common core, our Everyday Math and language arts curriculum (Fountas & Pinnell and Teachers College).  A lot of work has gone into it and it is now available to purchase.   

Click on the picture below to learn more about it.