
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Centers for the upcoming week & a sale!!

Take a peek at what I have going on for my task centers this upcoming week and be sure to check out my sale at Teachers Pay Teachers on Monday!

Phonics Center:  Gingerbread man puzzle.  Match picture sounds to the correct lowercase letter.

Art Center: Christmas tree with rectangles.  Idea from Little Giraffes.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gingerbread Man Freebie

With my gingerbread man study just around the corner, I've been busy going through all my activities and updating them.  A lot of what I've been using needs a digital update.  

I wanted to share a gingerbread man math activity that I will be using the week after Thanksgiving break.  You can grab it for free

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Center Task

Here's a sneak peek at my center task for the upcoming week.

Squirrel’s Sounds (Free from Kelly's Kindergarten) - Working with beginning sound. Students will match pictures to pictures with the correct beginning sound to their game mat.

Pilgrim art from All Kids NetworkI always try to plan something that my kiddos can do on their own without a lot of teacher direction and this one will be great for them!


Turkey Math - Feather Match activity that I put together for students to count the dots on the feathers and then match them to the numbers on the turkey.  It goes along with our Everyday Math domino match and will be a great review and practice for them.  Check it out here!


Scarecrow Write the Room is a great task for my kids to practice sounding out words and then writing down the sounds they here to make the word.   This works well with our Fountas and Pinnell K Phonics lesson on saying words slowly.  You can get it here!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Five Senses

I just finished putting together my Five Senses unit.  This unit will provide your students with a complete study all about their five senses and how these senses help them learn about their world. Through the use of books, hands-on activities and recordings of their findings, your students will learn that they use their eyes to see, their skin to touch, their noses to smell, their ears to hear, and their tongues to taste. 

 The unit kicks off with a hook lesson using popcorn to get your students using all of their five senses. The unit then follows a series of lesson on each of the senses. Some senses give you two lessons to choose from. Each lesson also includes student recording sheets.  The unit ends with a review of what they have studied and learn with a pocket chart sorting activity and a book for them to write/draw items for each of the senses.

Check it out here and let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Centers for the week!

Here's a peek at what I have planned for my kindergartners this week during our center time.

Math Center: Harvest Time from Kelly's Kindergarten:
To make this game, print all pages on cardstock. Leave the playing mats whole. Laminate or place in sheet protectors (optional). Cut the number cards apart. Laminate these cards if desired. To play, give each player a game mat (up to 6 players). Spread the number cards face down on the table in the middle. Players take turns choosing a number card. If they have a matching set on their mat, they place it in the correct space. If not, put it in the discard pile. Play continues until someone covers all the sets on the mat.

 Grab the mats here for free!
Grab the number cards here for free!
Writing Center: Label the Scarecrow Parts from 

Phonics Center:  Turkey Feather Beginning Sound Sort.  Check it out here.
Art Center: Paper plate Scarecrow
You can find it here.

I hope some of these ideas help you 
in planning for your students!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanksgiving Symmetry

In our school we use the Everyday Math Curriculum.  Each morning my students complete a review of a math lesson through math tubs.  Everyday Math gives extension activities that make great math tub review.  Every now and then I find that it is helpful to create a math tub that aligns with lessons.  So I created a Thanksgiving Fold and Cut Symmetry activity.  Just show children how to fold paper in half and then cut through both layers of the paper, starting at the folded edge and cutting away from the fold.  Then open the paper to show symmetry. For an added bonus have them draw the rest of the picture.  Grab it here for free.