I've tried many different ways to help them, but I'm always looking for new ways. I reread many of my educational books and search online for ways to get these kiddos moving forward. I've included some of the blogs that I've used recently.
If you haven't come across Carleen Paul's blog Solutions for Struggling Readers, I highly recommend that you check it out. In her posts she writes about different ways to help students learn to read.
Mrs. Ricca's Kindergarten: Sound hop, Tap light segmenting, Slinky stretch, Heads shoulder, knees and toes for sounds, Race Car Segmenting, Elkonin
Boxes, and Songs & Chants.
Confessions of A Homeschooler: Beginning sound
games and for those looking for letter activities, she
has a ton of examples.
Make Take and Teach: Shares many ways to help
students build phonological and phonemic
awareness. She has wonderful kits for purchase with a ton of activities. One kit that I have purchased to use with my students is her Phonemic Awareness kit.
Little Minds at Work:Check out her fun activities on phonemic awareness.
There is so much out there to help students learn. These are just a few of the resources that I have used to help my own students be successful.